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view_count 1338
category Company events
subject We has been selected as a company to carry out R & BD project by KICC
dateof_write 2018-06-21


The company was selected as a performing company of the "Industrial Technology Commercialization Support Project", which is part of the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation's "Industrial Cluster Competitiveness Strengthening Project".
This project is focusing on the whitening effect of the root of the Rhodiola elongata which is surpresses the generation of melanin.
The project a total business of 270 million won which is supported by the Incheon Headquarters and participates from Dongguk University. This business is going to develope a new skin whitening cosmetic formulation of Moose type. The goal is to establish a process that can be commercialized immediately. After one year of performing the assignment, final results will be announced.
Since its foundation in 1999, we has been successfully making hair cosmetics with a flagship brand, MIELLE PROFESSIONAL. It is meaningful to show that we have sufficient possibility and technology potential to develope skin cosmetics.
We will continue to expand our investment in discovering natural ingredients-based functional ingredients. Not only that also we will launch independent projects or providing technology by cooperating with promising companies. We will consider an check from every directions unter all circumstances.